2. The Science of Reading: A Force for Good webinar (PD537)
2. The Science of Reading: A Force for Good webinar (PD537)
Language changes by use. Pronunciations and spellings change over time, root words slip their moorings and float downstream, phrases morph into expressions quite different from their first meaning. Something as well-used as the phrase ‘the science of reading’ risks change through use, and even misuse. Let’s take some time together to make sure that this helpful way of talking about sharing best practice preserves its original and most truthful definition. By looking, phrase by phrase, at a definition of the science of reading, we can deepen our understanding of all of its implications and raise our effectiveness as communicators of its key concepts.
How it works
When you purchase this course, or the 5-course bundle, you will be taken to the course page on our site that gives you the Zoom registration details.
Check back the day before the webinar to access your handouts (we will also send you a reminder email).
The recording will be made available to you one week after it is made. You will then have 6 weeks to complete the course and download your certificate.