Literacy Bundle 1
Our four flagship courses can be done in one low cost bundle:
1. Spelling for Life
2. Language for Life
Uncover the simplicity and science of spelling
Spelling for Life is a highly acclaimed, internationally recognised teaching and learning program, suitable for teachers of middle primary children. Those in special education, speech pathology, homeschooling and educational psychology are also keen participants.
Note: Prices are inclusive of 10% Goods and Services Tax (GST) for all Australian residents.
In this fully on-demamnd, asynchronous course, participants will:
- have three months from first login to complete all modules in the course
- receive a re-useable book of worksheets for direct classroom application
- receive a downloadable manual
- be able to participate in live forums with colleagues
- receive a suggested spelling and handwriting scope and sequence from F-6
- receive a certificate of completion for 8 hours of PD
Give your students the gift of grammar
Take the mystery out of parts of speech. Get the most from your dictionaries. Teach your students how to break words down into morphemes like bosses!
You will receive
Come away from this on-demand, asynchronous course with:
- a PowerPoint deck for classroom use
- a teacher manual containing guides to each section of the course
- a suggested four year scope & sequence for grammar and morphology to help with your lesson planning
- a set of printable student worksheets for ongoing, cumulative syntax practice
3. Reading for Life
Join us online, on-demand, anytime, for this asynchronous course on the science of reading. Based on Lyn Stone’s bestselling book, Reading for Life Online will take you through each chapter.
- 6 hours of PL
- certificate of participation
- videos
- downloads
- forums
- quizzes
4. Writing for Life
Previously called “The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword”, this guide to high impact literacy teaching will help raise your understanding of the components of successful writing.
This online course delivers 6 hours of professional learning.
Take your time over 12 months to complete this suite of Lifelong Literacy flagship courses. Each course contains unique material and resources to help raise your capacity as an educator and wordsmith.
We have discounted the price of the courses for those who wish to keep them in reserve.
All you have to do:
Select this bundle.
Go to checkout.
Email [email protected] and tell us which course you’d like to start first. We will then enrol you.
You have 12 months to access all of the courses.
Take your time, save money, and enjoy!
Note: Prices are inclusive of 10% Goods and Services Tax (GST) for all Australian residents.
If Paying by Invoice
Please choose the invoice option and we will send you an invoice. To ensure your place, you will have seven days from invoice date to pay.