Reading for Life Online 12 month whole school 10-pack (PD532)
Reading for Life Online 12 month whole school 10-pack (PD532)
The Science of Reading for your team
if you are planning to guide your team towards research-informed literacy instruction in 2025, this is the training you need.
FIRST: Join Lyn Stone for a low-cost, three-part, online, live workshop from Nov 7-21 2024. Recordings will be made available to participants.
NEXT: You and/or your team will be enrolled on the asynchronous Reading for Life online course from January-December 2025.
You can access this content as many times in that period as you wish.
Use the modules for staff meetings. Treat it like a book club. Set it for assignments. Your staff will thank you.
How it all began
Lyn Stone’s bestselling book Reading for Life has come to be one of the seminal texts in reading reform in the anglophone world.
Lyn’s research into how we got into the current literacy crisis sparked many of the ideas we are now, thankfully, seeing in the education arena. Not least is the correspondence from one of Lyn’s mentors, Bob Sweet, whose story of Marie Clay and her reluctance to change Reading Recovery was featured in Emily Hanford’s award-winning ‘Sold A Story’ Podcast.
You can read the transcript of that episode here.
Lyn’s Reading for Life training course is not just another phonics program trying to nudge its way into the market. In fact it’s not a phonics program at all. What we need from phonics has already been written and we are spoilt for choice.
No, Reading for Life training is training in how to think about reading from a perspective free of cognitive bias.
Reading for Life training is training in how to communicate about reading to those around you who need to know more about literacy, who will benefit from understanding the current scene, even those who perhaps still cling to outdated, ineffective approaches to literacy teaching.
Reading for Life training is about how to act now so that we can get the best outcomes possible for the highest number of children today.
There is no other course like it.

Lyn Stone will be presenting live from Nov 7-21. Lyn also moderates all online courses in real time.
Together we will cover:
1. Underlying cognitive processes involved in literacy acquisition, including:
- Working memory, processing speed, oral language development, phonological awareness, and orthographic mapping as it relates to reading.
2. . Reading Intervention
- Research versus marketing: How not to buy into resources that aren’t fit for purpose.
- Dyslexia: Myths and facts and what to do next.
3. Teaching Reading and Writing
- Practical teaching tips for all the pillars of literacy: phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
4. Advocacy and activism
- Who’s who in the reading advocacy landscape
- Building communities of practice
- Becoming activists and advocates
- Avoiding pitfalls, cults and stagnation of ideas
For the budget-conscious:
Exhausted your 2024 PD budget? We can arrange an invoice for 2025 and still grant access to your team this year. Just let us know.
- a PowerPoint deck to help deliver reading PD in your system
- a manual containing high quality guides, references and frameworks for your team
- a certificate for 6 hours of self-identified PL
Get ready to use explicit literacy instruction in 2025 with full confidence in the what AND the how.

We want whole teams on board.
Individual enrolment costs AUD$250 (with equivalents in most currencies).
We are now offering drastic discounts to whole schools at the basic rate of AUD$1000 for every team of 10. That’s $100 per person instead of $250.
In other words, if you have between 21 and 30 teachers at your school, your licence will cost only $3000 for the live sessions and a full 12 months of access.
We can invoice in Pounds Sterling, US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, and Euro.
Conditions apply (please see below for terms and conditions).
Goods and services tax will be added for Australian registrations.
If Paying by Invoice
Please choose the invoice option at checkout. We will then send you an invoice with one week to pay. Failure to pay the invoice by the due date will result in your order being canceled.
Terms and conditions for whole school licences
Please read carefully.
We will ask you how many teachers will be teaching at your school in 2025.
We then will grant your school a licence at AUD$1000 (or equivalent in your currency) for every 10 teachers, or part thereof, at your school. This is regardless of whether all teachers participate. If your school contains 20 teachers, you will be billed for two lots of $1000. Even if only 9 do the course, you will be billed for two lots. We will not licence partial participation. This is to encourage whole teams to get on board.
If your school has a number of teachers smaller than 10, we will still grant a licence at $1000. We will invoice in increments of 10 only.
Once the invoice is settled, we will request a CSV file containing the names and email addresses of your teachers. These cannot exceed the number of licences. We will verify that they match the number of teachers teaching in your school.
Our software detects multiple users on one access point. If users are found to be sharing unauthorised access with others, their access will be canceled and no refund given. Each teacher has their unique login details and must participate in a quiz and forum for every module of the course to advance through the course.
All sales are final.