Spelling for Life (PD368) ONLINE EVENT
Spelling for Life (PD368) ONLINE EVENT
Registrations closed. Please contact us if youd like to pre-register for the next course.
DATE – Friday June 18th 2021 9-3:30
VENUE – Online via Zoom
COST – $330 + GST
Spelling for Life is a highly acclaimed, internationally recognised teaching and learning program, suitable for teachers of middle primary children. Those in special education, speech pathology, homeschooling and educational psychology are often keen participants too.
This face to face course is intended to deliver 5.5 hours of high quality professional development on the structure of the English writing system, going from single letters to morphemes in a sequence of explicit lessons.
Participants will:
- receive a re-useable book of worksheets for direct classroom application
- receive a printed manual
- receive a suggested spelling and handwriting scope and sequence from F-6
- receive a certificate of completion for 5.5 hours of PD
Course content:
3 modules containing information on:
- Orthographic mapping
- Extended code instruction
- English spelling rules and conventions
- Etymology
- Morphology
- High impact spelling practice that goes beyond weekly lists and tests
A couple of things to note:
Due to this being a one-day event, topics are carefully chosen with time constraints in mind. This is not a carbon copy of the online course, which, due to its self-paced nature, contains more topics and information. Both are good to do.
This event will not be recorded.
Special note:
.gov.au email addresses
We have been informed that some email address with .gov.au or .edu.au in them are automatically blocking our encrypted email software. We use this software to securely send reminder notices and promotional material to subscribers. If you have one of those email addresses and do not hear from us within 30 days of placing your order, the chances are, your software is blocking us. Please take the following steps to ensure smooth communication from us:
- Please check your junk filters for communication from us.
- Inform your IT manager that you wish to receive emails from us and ask them to place us on your system’s whitelist.
- If this is not possible, please contact us with an alternative email address.
Whole school bespoke courses
Thinking of sending 12+ people? Why not book Lyn to come to you for a tailor-made session at your own school? Lyn will be available on the days prior to and after these workshops for school consultation. Please contact us for more details.
If Paying by Invoice
Please choose the invoice option and we will send you an invoice. To ensure your place, you will have seven days from invoice date to pay.