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Spelling for Life


By the end of the course you should:

  •  Be able to implement the full Spelling for Life course in a classroom, small group, or 1:1 setting

Welcome to Spelling for Life!

We hope you will have a wonderful time and learn a lot about teaching the structure of English spelling.

Course Format

There are five modules in this course, each containing several pages on a given topic.

Within those pages there is a theory section, a selection of videos to watch and a forum that contains a quiz, a question or a chance to interact.

Your videos

Spelling for Life has been around for a long time and has had many recordings made of the lessons within. The videos that  you will see on this course are in three formats:

  1. Video explainers
  2. Recently recorded sessions with a live adult audience especially for this course
  3. An optional “Jim Jams” session, where, during lockdown, Lyn recorded some free live sessions in her pyjamas (Jim Jams) for kids around the world who had stopped going to school because of the COVID pandemic.

Your downloads

There are three downloadable files for you to use during the course and to keep for future reference. They are: As time goes on, you will need the manual less and less, so we have separated the worksheets from the manual for easy reference. There are also some magnetic tiles in many of the videos. This is the link to where you can buy them.


Lyn has written three books on the subject of literacy and language, supported by online courses too. The links below will take you to each book.

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