What does it take to make a great school?
It takes well-informed, well-trained teachers who have the confidence and expertise to make sure each and every one of their students learns to read and write.
Does Your School Have a No-Fail Attitude to Literacy?
No-fail means that every child, no matter their background, no matter whether they have barriers to learning, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, low oral language or a combination of all of these, EVERY child gets at seat at the table of learning to read and write.
What Does This Take?
- It takes systematic, explicit teaching at the Tier 1, whole classroom level (see Response to Intervention Model).
- It takes reliable, valid and timely assessment and allocation of children to smaller Tier 2 groups for intensive instruction (for a free assessment battery, look no further than Macquarie University).
- It takes expert staff to help implement evidence-based, one on one, Tier 3 instruction to help children catch up and stay on track.
If you want to build a great school with a no-fail attitude to literacy, talk to us today about an on-site consultation.
Our vast experience with many different schools and our wide knowledge of available programs and tools will help you select and implement the right framework for confident teachers, and children reaching their literacy goals.
Book now for an obligation-free initial consultation with Lyn Stone and let’s take the plunge together into higher quality literacy instruction for everyone.
What Does an On-Site Consultation Look Like?
Schools are like people. They have a combination of hereditary traits, idiosyncrasies, cultural preferences, strengths, weaknesses, mental and physical health and worth to society (real and perceived).
When we are invited to visit, we have to bear these characteristics in mind before we even begin to tackle questions of practice. Our method is to observe, converse and then feed back with recommendations for short, mid and long-term planning. We ensure a return on any initial investment by following up and continuing to support staff and share any new and relevant material and resources as they emerge in the field. We are independent of any company or institution, so our recommendations are not restricted to one source.