Flinders CCC Reading for Life
Teaching Comprehension
We conclude with a word on teaching comprehension, which is this: If children are explicitly and systematically shown the alphabetic code from the age of five and are allowed to practise it, if they are given explicit teaching in vocabulary and fluency and if their phonological awareness is assessed and addressed, comprehension develops alongside in the majority of cases. In the cases where it also needs attention, we explore certain techniques and written material on the subject.
Further to this, we advocate for a knowledge-rich curriculum in all possible cases. Building background knowledge and vocabulary is a sure way to help children achieve their academic potential. In the Language Arts Program, we go deeply into techniques designed to fill and/or prevent knowledge gaps.

Lyn Stone
At Lifelong Literacy, we help to build background knowledge by introducing units of study, such as animals, the weather, the planets, ancient civilisations etc. How do you build background knowledge? Leave your thoughts below.